Get Inspired
and engage with
at Hampton Community Library
To check out one of the kits below, please request it in person at the circulation desk. Kits cannot be requested through the online catalog.
Please be advised:
ONE kit per family may be checked out.
ALL items from the kit MUST be returned to the Hampton Community Library circulation desk.
All items from the kit must be returned BEFORE another kit can be borrowed.
Kits are non-requestable & non-renewable.
Kits are not available for curbside pick-up.
Kits are designed to spark engagement between children & families. Use your library card to investigate, create, sing, dance, listen, speak & read!

Made possible by a collaboration between Allegheny County Library Association, Allegheny Land Trust, Allegheny County Parks & Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.
Plants & Fungi Backpack
Field guides: mushrooms, Pennsylvania trees & wildflowers
Magnifying glass
Folder of materials: Leave No Trace Ethics card, backpack guide, Poison Ivy ID sheet, tick ID card, map of Hartwood Acres, Allegheny County App sheet
Meadow Backpack
Field guides: bees & other pollinators, butterflies & moths, Pennsylvania trees & wildflowers
Magnifying bug reviewer
Bug net
Identiflyer with four cards
Folder of materials: map of Hartwood Acres, Leave No Trace Ethics card, backpack guide, Poison Ivy ID sheet, tick ID card, Allegheny County App sheet, scavenger hunt

Africa Bag
English & Swahili, Traditional Nursery Rhymes by Arielle Phoenix
What’s What? A Guessing Game by Mary Serfozo
Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales collected by Nelson Mandela
Mancala for Kids (Pressman): wood game board, 48 animal shaped game pieces, rule book
2 Ghanaian woven rattles, information page
Putumayo Kids Presents African Playground: CD & booklet
Mexico Bag
Whiskers, Tails & Wings: Animal Folktales from Mexico by Judy Goldman
Spellable: 24 puzzle pieces
Ochos Locos: 108 cards (84 number cards, 24 pepper cards), instructions
Mexican Guio with striker stick
Putumayo Kids Presents Mexico: CD & booklet

China Bag
Chinese & English Nursery Rhymes by Faye-Lynn Wu
Tangram Puzzle: 7 wood pieces in wooden box, booklet, instruction sheet
Red & gold dragon puppet
Gong, stand & mallet (in box)
Putumayo Kids Presents Asian Playground: CD & booklet
South America Bag
La Madre Goose Nursery Rhymes for Los Ninos by Susan Middleton Elya
Lil’Loteria: 6 game boards, 36 cards
Minilingo game: 21 pairs of cards
2 Chilean rain sticks
Putumayo Kids Presents Latin Dreamland: CD & booklet

Korea Bag
Where’s Halmoni? By Julie Kim
Yut Nori Set: 4 wooden sticks, instruction book
Wood frog & striker stick
Putumayo Kids Presents World Playground: CD & booklet

Japan Bag
Japanese Myths, Legends & Folktales by Yuri Yasuda
My First Book of Japanese Words by Michelle Haney Brown
Kendama toy: wooden handle, ball & string, instructions
Sushi Go!: 108 cards, instructions
Hand drum
Putumayo Kids Presents Asian Dreamland: CD & booklet

Latin America Bag
The Dragon Slayer: Folktales from Latin America by Jaime Hernandez
Spanish alphabet flip books: 26 alphabet dividers, 26 flip books
Serpientes y Escaleras: 4 game boards (each board is divided into 4 laminate pieces), 2 dice, 3 tokens
2 Peruvian gourd maracas
Putumayo Kids Presents Latin Playground: CD & booklet

Weight & Balance Kit
Binder: table of contents, book list, extension activities
See Inside bucket balance, 2 buckets

Get Movin’ Kit
Binder: table of contents, book list, extension activities
Found It Pound It game: 10 dog tags (assorted colors)
My Mat yoga activity mat
Yoga dice: 6 large poses dice, 1 small number die, drawstring bag, 7 tokens, yoga mat cloth
7 laminated direction sheets
2024-2025 Annual Appeal