How do I…?
Get a library card?
Just bring in a form of identification showing your current address to apply for a library card. This free card is valid at all public libraries in Allegheny County. Applicants under age 14 will need a parent or guardian to sign their application. If you are a new resident, you may show a utility bill or personal mail addressed to you which you received at your new address as your identification.
Search the catalog?
Click on Search the Collection at the top of this page, and search by Title, Author, Subject, or Keyword. You can limit your search to items at our library, or search all of the libraries in Allegheny County at one time. Additional instructions are available by clicking on Help or on Search Tips at the bottom of the catalog screen.
Request items on-line?
When you find an item you would like to request, click on the “Request this item” button, and enter your name and library card number. You can also request several items at one time by clicking on Add to Book Cart. Additional information is available by clicking on Help or on Search Tips at the bottom of the screen. If you have entered an email address in your library card record, you will receive an email message when your items are ready to be picked up. Otherwise, you will receive an automated phone call. Your items will be held at the Circulation desk for you for seven days. Items checked out at HCL may be returned here, at any Carnegie Library, or at any of the forty libraries in Allegheny County participating in the Electronic Information Network.
Renew an item?
You may renew items as long as:
The item is not overdue
The item has not reached the maximum number of renewals
There are no other requests for the item by another borrower
Renewals are permitted on the specific item
Renewing the item will not generate a fine
You do not owe more than $10.00
Your library card has not expired
You may renew your items in person or over the phone by calling HCL (412-684-1098) or using the Automatic Renewal phone line (412-622-1895). To renew materials yourself using the Internet, follow these steps:
Under the "Library Services" tab, click on Check My Account
Enter your name and library card number. Then click on Submit.
From the next screen, you will be able to Search the Catalog, See what you have out on your card, See what outstanding requests you have, Update or add your email address if you want email notification when your items are ready for pick-up, and read the Frequently Asked Questions section about notification when your materials are in.
To renew items you have checked out,
--Click on Items Currently Checked Out,
--Scroll down to see Title, Due Date, and Call Number
--Click in the box to the left of any item(s) you would like to renew
--Click on Renew All or Renew Selected Items
--Scroll down again to see the new due dates. -
If the date did not change, please note that items that are overdue, items that have a waiting list, or items that have reached the renewal limit may not be renewed over the Internet. In addition, if you owe more than $10.00, you may not renew your items. Call the library if you need assistance, or for other questions related to your library materials (412-684-1098).
Check my account?
Under the "Library Services" tab at the top of this page, click on Check my Account. Enter your name and library card number. From there, you can:
- View checked out items
- Renew items
- Place Requests
- Cancel Requests
- Add or update your email address
- Pay fines online
- Save Preferred Searches
- Sign up for email notification
Pay my fines by credit card?
If you owe more than $2.00, you can use a Visa, Master Card or Discover Card to pay fines and replacement fees online.
There is no additional transaction fee charged.
You pay all outstanding fines, or you can select line items to pay
You will get an on screen receipt that you should print.
If you enter a valid email address, you will get a copy of the receipt emailed to you.
Your patron record is immediately updated with the payment. You will need to refresh the screen to see your updated patron record. Click here to view an explanation of how to pay your fines. Click here to login to your account to pay your library fines online using your credit card!
Sign up for email notification?
Under the "Library Services" tab above, click on Check my Account. Enter your name and library card number. From there, Click on Modify personal information. Then you may add your email address.
Get text notification?
To sign up to receive text notices and renew items using your cell phone, go to
Request an Interlibrary Loan?
If you cannot locate an item in the Card Catalog, it may be possible to obtain what you want from a library outside of Allegheny County. Click here to access the Interlibrary Loan information. First, click on the link "Go to the Interlibrary Loan Form." Then, click on First time Users, on the left side of the screen, to begin your request.
Find out what events and programs are going on at the library?
Go to the library’s home page ( to see Upcoming Events. There you will learn about all of the programs we are holding for adults, teens and children. Call the library (412-684-1098) for additional information or to register for any of these programs.
Make a donation to the library?
A book donation is a wonderful way to create a lasting remembrance for a special birthday, as a thank-you, to celebrate the birth of a baby, or as a memorial. Forms for our gift/memorial program are available at the Circulation Desk.
A financial donation to help us purchase materials or run programs is always appreciated, any time of year. From the library’s home page ( click on PayPal to make a donation by credit card, or you may mail in a donation. Each Fall, we hold an Annual Appeal to especially encourage Hampton residents and other frequent patrons to make a donation. Any amount is appreciated.
Volunteer at the library?
Just stop in and ask for a Volunteer Application. Volunteers are a valued asset to the library. A number of volunteers help the library during regular weekly hours by shelving, processing books, or assisting with special projects. We also need volunteers to help with fundraising.
Students who wish to do their Community Service hours should sign up early in the school year to be sure time slots are available. The minimum age to volunteer is 13.
2024-2025 Annual Appeal