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The Library
Hampton Community Library (HCL) is the success story of a number of Hampton residents who worked hard to bring a library to the community.  Open to the public in September 1990, it is supported by volunteers, as well as by generous individual contributors and businesses.  HCL is a full-service ACLA public library, free of charge.  HCL is a participant in the Electronic Information Network for Public Libraries in Allegheny County.

The Collection
HCL offers more than 28,000 volumes, including your choice of magazines and newspaper publications, audio books, and DVDs.  Thanks to Hampton Township, we have a leased collection of popular current fiction and non-fiction, including many New York Times bestsellers.

Borrowing Items
Any item in our collection that is not available for immediate loan may be placed on reserve.  Items not in our collection can often be obtained for you from other libraries.  You will be notified by phone or by email when the item is available.  These items will be held for seven days.  Items checked out at HCL may be returned here, at any Carnegie Library, or at any of the forty libraries in Allegheny County participating in the Electronic Information Network.

Magazines and new DVDs may be borrowed for seven days.  All other items circulate for three weeks.  Items will also automatically renew unless:

  • The item is overdue

  • The item has reached the maximum number of renewals

  • There are requests for the item by another borrower

  • Renewals are NOT permitted on the specific item

  • Renewing the item will not generate a fine

  • Your library card is expired or the card exceeds the fine threshold of $10.00.

You can check your account at any time to see if all materials have renewed.  Please see below:

  1. Go to 

  2. Click on Library Services, then click on Check Your Account

  3. Enter your name and library card number.  Then click on Submit.

  4. From the next screen, you will be able to search the catalog, see what you have out on your card, see what outstanding requests you have, update or add your email address if you want email notification when your items are ready for pick-up, and read the Frequently Asked Questions section about notification when your materials are in.

  5. If you notice items have not renewed, it may be because the items are overdue, have a waiting list, or have reached their renewal limit.  In addition, if you owe more than $10.00, you may not renew your items.  Call the library if you need assistance, or for other questions related to your library materials (412-684-1098).

Reference books cannot be checked out.

Fines will accumulate after the due date until the item is returned.  Unpaid fines will be recorded in your account until payment is made.

  • DVDs: $1.00 per day.

  • Audio/Video kits: $1.00 per day.

  • All other materials:  $0.25 per day.

A $2.00 processing fee will be added to the total owed for each lost item.  Fines are not charged for Hampton materials for the days when we are closed – Sundays and holidays.

You may search the collection of HCL as well as most of the public libraries in Allegheny County at our public access computers.  Also available are numerous on-line databases provided to all system member libraries for your business, health, or other miscellaneous searches.  There is no charge for using these terminals or accessing the databases.

Printing is 15 cents per page, payable at the Circulation Desk.  Computers are also available to you for word processing, spreadsheets, and desktop publishing.

Volunteers are a valued asset to the library.  A number of volunteers help the library during regular weekly hours by shelving, processing books, or assisting with special projects.  We also need volunteers to help with fundraising.

Friends of the Hampton Community Library
This group supports and promotes the library through special events and fundraising programs.  Please call the library for more details.

Gift and Memorial Books
A book donation is a wonderful way to create a lasting remembrance for a special birthday, as a thank-you, to celebrate the birth of a baby, or as a memorial.  Forms for our gift/memorial program are available at the Circulation Desk, or click here to print the form.

2024-2025 Annual Appeal

The Hampton Community Library would like to thank the Allegheny Regional Asset

District, the Township of Hampton, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,

and generous corporate/individual sponsors for their support.

E-mail Hampton Community Library

Web Address:

3101 McCully Road

Allison Park, PA  15101

Phone:  (412) 684-1098

Fax:  (412) 684-1097


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